Container Images
Best Practices For Securing Container Images
Containers allow for packaging and shipping apps in a standard way. They make it easy to scale up/ tear down environments with variable workloads.
What actions can one take to remediate vulnerabilities discovered in a container image ?
- Prerequisites:
- linux
- docker
- trivy
1. Scan Container Images
- Install Trivy
If using Ubuntu, can follow these steps to install trivy:
$ sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https gnupg lsb-release
$ wget -qO - | >sudo apt-key add -
$ echo deb $(lsb_release >-sc) main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trivy.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install trivy
Create/Make a directory either in the root directory, and change to it. In the new directory, create a dockerfile following these steps:
$ cat << 'EOF' > Dockerfile
$ FROM debian:10.0
$ RUN apt-get -y install bash
$ ADD ./myfile.tar /tmp
Make another directory archive with a text file
$ mkdir archive
$ echo this is some text > ./archive/file.txt
$ tar cvf myfile.tar archive
- Build the dockerfile
$ docker build -t mytestimage:0.1 ./ -f Dockerfile
- Start Docker
$ sudo service docker start
Scan with trivy, Check to find images:
$ docker images
$ trivy image mytestimage:0.1
is the repository and0.1
is the tag.Can also scan and create an output file:
$ trivy i -f json -o mytestimage:0.1.json mytestimage:0.1