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Google Cloud - Scan Project with DLP

Scan Project with DLP (Data Loss Prevention)

  • How to scan and protect project with sensitive information using Automatic DLP

    • Navigate to Security -> Data Loss Prevention -> Enable API
    • Create Configuration -> Select resource to scan 
      (note): You can scan at the organisational level assuming there are a bunch of files you need to scan through.
    • Under manage schedules, specify filters, frequency and conditions to what and when to scan.
    • Select inspection template to specify the types of sensitive data to scan.
      • Create a new one.
      • MANAGE INFOTYPES shows what you want to inspect.
      • Inspection Ruleset lets you exclude or include additional findings.
      • Set confidence threshold to a likelihood of possible.
      • Manage service agent container & billing-> create a new project as a service agent.
      • Set resource location in same location as your data
      • Create.

    This scan runs automatically in respects to schedule specified.


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Post Category: Cloud , Security

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